View Source wxAcceleratorEntry (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxAcceleratorEntry class

An object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see wxAcceleratorTable).

See: wxAcceleratorTable, wxWindow:setAcceleratorTable/2

wxWidgets docs: wxAcceleratorEntry



Destroys the object.

Returns the command identifier for the accelerator table entry.

Returns the flags for the accelerator table entry.

Returns the keycode for the accelerator table entry.

Copy ctor.

Sets the accelerator entry parameters.


-type wxAcceleratorEntry() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec destroy(This :: wxAcceleratorEntry()) -> ok.

Destroys the object.

-spec getCommand(This) -> integer() when This :: wxAcceleratorEntry().

Returns the command identifier for the accelerator table entry.

-spec getFlags(This) -> integer() when This :: wxAcceleratorEntry().

Returns the flags for the accelerator table entry.

-spec getKeyCode(This) -> integer() when This :: wxAcceleratorEntry().

Returns the keycode for the accelerator table entry.

-spec new() -> wxAcceleratorEntry().
-spec new([Option]) -> wxAcceleratorEntry()
                 Option ::
                     {flags, integer()} |
                     {keyCode, integer()} |
                     {cmd, integer()} |
                     {item, wxMenuItem:wxMenuItem()};
         (Entry) -> wxAcceleratorEntry() when Entry :: wxAcceleratorEntry().

Copy ctor.

Link to this function

set(This, Flags, KeyCode, Cmd)

View Source
-spec set(This, Flags, KeyCode, Cmd) -> ok
                 This :: wxAcceleratorEntry(),
                 Flags :: integer(),
                 KeyCode :: integer(),
                 Cmd :: integer().
-spec set(This, Flags, KeyCode, Cmd, [Option]) -> ok
                 This :: wxAcceleratorEntry(),
                 Flags :: integer(),
                 KeyCode :: integer(),
                 Cmd :: integer(),
                 Option :: {item, wxMenuItem:wxMenuItem()}.

Sets the accelerator entry parameters.