
This release of Erlang/OTP can be built from source or installed using pre-built packages for your OS or third-party tools (such as kerl or asdf).

docker run -it erlang:
Patch Package OTP
Git Tag OTP-
Date 2023-05-30
Issue Id
System OTP
Release 24

compiler- #

The compiler- application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

Related Id(s):

Complex guard expression using the or operator and guard BIFs that can fail could sometimes be miscompiled so that the guard would succeed even if a call to a guard BIF failed.

Full runtime dependencies of compiler- crypto-3.6, erts-11.0, kernel-7.0, stdlib-3.13

erts- #

Note! The erts- application *cannot* be applied independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24 installation. On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime dependency has to be satisfied: -- kernel-8.3 (first satisfied in OTP 24.3)


In rare circumstances, bit syntax matching of an invalid code point for a utf32 would crash the runtime system.

Related Id(s):

If a runtime system which was starting the distribution already had existing pids, ports, or references referring to a node with the same nodename/creation pair that the runtime system was about to use, these already existing pids, ports, or references would not work as expected in various situations after the node had gone alive. This could only occur if the runtime system was communicated such pids, ports, or references prior to the distribution was started. That is, it was extremely unlikely to happen unless the distribution was started dynamically and was even then very unlikely to happen. The runtime system now checks for already existing pids, ports, and references with the same nodename/creation pair that it is about to use. If such are found another creation will be chosen in order to avoid these issues.


Constructing a binary segment not aligned with a byte boundary, with a size not fitting in 31 bits, and with a value not fitting in a 64-bit word could crash the runtime system.


Further robustify implementation of large maps (> 32 keys). Keys that happen to have same internal 32-bit hash values are now put in collision nodes which are traversed with linear search. This removes the demand for the internal hash function when salted to eventually produce different hashes for all possible pairs of unequal terms.

Full runtime dependencies of erts- kernel-8.3, sasl-3.3, stdlib-3.13

stdlib- #

The stdlib- application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.


Static supervisors are very idle processes after they have started so they will now be hibernated after start to improve resource management.

Full runtime dependencies of stdlib- compiler-5.0, crypto-3.3, erts-12.0, kernel-7.0, sasl-3.0

xmerl- #

The xmerl- application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

Related Id(s):

New options to xmerl_scan and xmerl_sax_parser so one can limit the behaviour of the parsers to avoid some XML security issues.

xmerl_scan gets one new option:

-- {allow_entities, Boolean} -- Gives the possibility to disallow entities by setting this option to false (true is default)

xmerl_sax_parser gets the following options:

-- disallow_entities -- Don't allow entities in document

-- {entity_recurse_limit, N} -- Set a limit on entity recursion depth (default is 3)

-- {external_entities, AllowedType} -- Specify which types of external entities that are allowed, this also affect external DTD's. The types are all(default), file and none

-- {fail_undeclared_ref, Boolean} -- Sets the behavior for undeclared references due to an external file is not parsed (true is default)

The old option skip_external_dtd is still valid and the same as {external_entities, none} and {fail_undeclared_ref, false} but just affects DTD's and not other external references.

Full runtime dependencies of xmerl- erts-6.0, kernel-3.0, stdlib-2.5